Quality Assurance & Safeguarding

EMT work in schools based in the Borough of Ealing and our Therapists are bound and work by each school’s safeguarding policy and practice. In addition, as being part of the Borough of Ealing, we work and are bound by the Ealing Yellow Book: ‘Ealing Safeguarding Children Guidance Policy and Procedures for Voluntary, Community, Faith and Private Organisations’.

EMT recruit therapists who are qualified practitioners. They continue to attend appropriate professional development programmes as part of CPD and have regular clinical supervision with qualified personnel. In addition, EMT Music Therapists have annual appraisals as part of their ongoing professional development.

Registered Music Therapists

Our Music Therapists are:

  • Postgraduate trained with a Master’s Degree in Music Therapy
  • State registered with the Health & Care Professions Council (www.hcpc-uk.org)
  • Members of the British Association for Music Therapy, the professional body for Music Therapy in the UK
  • Enhanced DBS Disclosure checked
  • Trained to use standardised assessment tools and outcome measures to monitor and feedback children’s progress.

Get In Touch

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